Free association and the oneiric thought of vigil


  • Antonino Ferro Sociedade Psicanalítica Italiana



Oneiric thought, Dream, Free associaiton, Interpretation, Revêrie


The author, inspired by the concepts on mental functioning postulated by Bion, considers the free associations as a “narrative derivative” of the paradoxical sleep thought in vigil and the reveries as a direct access to the images of this paradoxical sleep thought. The clinical material is used to evidence how such “narrative derivatives” can be used by the analyst as signals, which are continuously provided by the patient, about his own mental functioning in the inside of the analytical field; signals that allow the analyst modulating his interpretative activity in order to make it a factor of transformation instead of a persecution one.


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Author Biography

Antonino Ferro, Sociedade Psicanalítica Italiana

Membro Titular da Sociedade Psicanalítica Italiana.


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How to Cite

Ferro, A. (2003). Free association and the oneiric thought of vigil. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 5(1), 65–79.


