The psychoanalytical process in the adolescence
metapsychology and clinic
Adolescence, Psychanalytic process, Gerational frontiers, Fraternal complex, Clinic, Metapsychology, ResignificationAbstract
In the adolescence, multiples games of power oppose to each other within a dynamic field: the paradoxical movements of the narcissism in the intra and intersubjective dimensions and the relations of ascendancy between parents and children and among siblings. Through the description of the 5-year analytical process of an adolescent, the author portrays its beginning, intermediate phase and its end. The clinical case focuses on the metapsychological base of the process; the work with the narcissistic self-images and with the oedipal and fraternal complexes; the issue of the son-forefather and the brother-forefather; the re-arrangement of the identity; the confrontation between generations; and the new significance for previous traumas.
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