Depression and Anxiety


  • Daniel Widlöcher Associação Psicanalítica Francesa



Antidepressants (action way), Psychomotor slowness, Depression (treatment), Anxiety (treatment), Anxiolytic (action way), Anxious inhibition


In the field of depression, it seems fruitful to oppose the psychogenesis of mental operations (representations and affection) to the psychomotor slowness that would be the psycho-physiological target for the medication treatment that we currently make use. This clinical distinction allows us better defining the relevant indications of both therapeutics and the conditions for their eventual association. In the domain of anxiety, we will emphasize the des-inhibitory action of the “tranquilizers”. This action could be related to the role played by the inhibiting mechanism associated to the anguished affection, independently from the psychological or physiological circumstances in which this affection is produced.


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Author Biography

Daniel Widlöcher, Associação Psicanalítica Francesa

Membro Titular da Associação Psicanalítica Francesa.


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How to Cite

Widlöcher, D. (2003). Depression and Anxiety. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 5(2), 325–343.


