Contemporaneus psychoanalytic investigation
Erogenity, Verbal language, Investigation, Psychoanalytical theory, EpistemologyAbstract
The authors pretend to show the value of the David Liberman Algorithm (a method for the study of the language as an expression of the erogeneicity and the defense) in theoretical research, psychopathology and clinic. They begin summarizing the method that includes a computational program for the study of the words, and two grids, one for the analysis of the phrases and the other one forthe narrative sequences, all of them as an expression of the erogeneicity. Thenthey consider epistemological issues, specially to show the links between the David Liberman Algorithm and Freudian’s metapsychologic hypothesis. Backing in this considerations, the authors pay attention to one of the languages as an expression of the erogeneicity: the oral primary eroticism. This description allows them to present some recent developments, as a consequence of different kinds of investigations. This developments concern, in one side, on the distinctive characteristics of the narcissistic retraction and the reestablishment of the libidinal link with the world in the schizoid characteropaties and the schizophrenia. In the other side, this development concern on to those situations in which the narcissistic retraction of such structures is maintained and becomes toxic, and then conduces to the emergence of toxic manifestations and/or traumatofilias. Finally, those developments also concern on the theoretical level, specially (1) about the efficacity of an erogeneicity no figurated in the language, and nevertheless possible to beinferred, (2) about the premature claudication (or the lack of development) of thealucinatory process in the early infancy, and (3) about the value of the secondary oral sadistic language of the eroticism and of the intrasomatic one, this last expressed in the attachment. The authors end the paper putting the emphasis inthe relevance of the David Liberman Algorithm as a theoretical and clinic research method in contemporary psychoanalysis.Downloads
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