The construction of affective links between parents and children
a referential story
Continuous links, Circular causality, Parenthood, Identification cuesAbstract
The construction of affective links between parents and children does not limit to interpersonal changes, but it inscribes its protagonists in the universe of senses that surpass and involves the relationship. The self-recognition record is symbolical and it organizes the relationship between individuals by conferring sense to them. The true access to the parenthood is as it follows: the parental function identification, adolescence leaving and adulthood entering. In the era of cloning and narcissistic exaltation, the affective links that bring subjects together and co-construct them are really contemporary issues. If we choose to present the construction of affective links between the childand his parents as a referential story; if, sometimes, we insist on some components,that may seem more technical than poetical, it is in the sense to evidence the complexity of this construction that we could not know how to reduce to a love story; even though love as well as the capacity of loving and being loved are in thecore of this process, as it is in all construction of affective links between human beings.Downloads
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