Ariadne’s thread
from Winnicott to Ferenczi
Trauma, Transmission, Transgenerational, Psychopathology of actuality, NarcissimAbstract
The title of this article invites us to grab hold of Ariadne’s thread, starting from Winnicott and going on to see if we can arrive at Ferenczi, by way of a labyrinth of different theories. The writer intends to work on the relationship between these two authors – Winnicott and Ferenczi – by way of two main pathways: (1) the question of transmission; (2) the clinically up-dating Winnicott and Ferenzi in the pathologies of contemporaneity. The first part of the study attempts to explain the manner in which Ferenczi finds himself so clearly present in Winnicott’s work, if they had never made contact and the work about which Winnicott is valued is that of Ferenczi’s final hours, that which had found itself into the Index of psychoanalysis, consequently inaccessible. In the second part of the study, the focus of attention is drawn towards narcissistic pathologies (contemporaneity): borderline, psychosomatic illnesses, psychoses, addictions and the anti-social tendencies that marked Winnicott’s work, and which had previously been dealt with anteriority by Ferenczi.
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