Psychic change and emotional growth


  • Rosane Muller Costa Sociedade Psicanalítica de Recife



Emotional Growth, Narcisismus, Object Relations, Applied Psychoanalysis, Simbolization


It has been the object of investigation of the great thinkers of psychoanalysis, the processes through which more durable changes occur in the psychic apparratus, due to their clinical, as well as their theoretical unfoldments in the elaboration of the genetic point of view of metapsychology. In this field the psychoanalytic movement of the second half of the twentieth century onwards has pointed out the fundamental participation of the object paying attention to the importance of human relationships of great emotional significance in the context of which the transforming power of the word can reveal itself and the subject can be inserted in the universe of symbolic exchanges. In the present study the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast is used as an analogy to the process of psychic change and emotional growth, relating itself to the typification of the characters and its evolution within the tale towards the processes of transformation of the human being, through the relationships at the beginning of life, or through the loving relationships or as a result of psychoanalysis. The reflections and analyses made were based, above all, on the texts of Freud, Ferenczi and Klein.


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Author Biography

Rosane Muller Costa, Sociedade Psicanalítica de Recife

Candidata do Núcleo de Fortaleza, ligado à Sociedade Psicanalítica de Recife.


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How to Cite

Costa, R. M. (2005). Psychic change and emotional growth. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 7(2), 573–593.


