Metapsychological consideration about repetition
Repetition, Regression, Representation, Metapsychology, FixationAbstract
The work proposes to analyse the theme of repetition putting as an axis the concept of representation. The election of such a focus in based on the importance that in given to it in actual metapsychological debates that try to enlarge the psychoanalysis field further than the neurosis. It is considered valid the alternative of combining what is repeated whit how it is repeated, taking as an axis the representative capital and from it, analyses its influence over different aspects that relates to the clinic. We set off from the hypothesis that both aspects have a relation having the what a particular form of repetition what involves to reconsider the articulation between fixing, regression and repetition. It is considered as an unavoidable metapsychological matter the one refered to “ the objects destinies” in the psychic scheme considering it of particular importance for the chosen investigation, that is to say the relation between repetition and representation.
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