The unconscious
“messenger of truth” under Bions’ perspective of the continent-content interaction
Unconscious., Truth, Lie, PreconceptionAbstract
The paper represents an investigation which tries to demonstrate, through clinics, that the unconscious, more than an organ meant to store unconscious undesirable impulses which continually looks for satisfaction, represents in an ontogenic sense an organ that produces inexhaustive truth. As the conscience perceives the reality through information sent by the sense organs, that are subdued to the principle of pleasure, there always exists the danger of a lying conscience; a lie which often implicates in danger to life itself. The unconscious then would act as a rectifying organ of the conscience lies, by means of “pre-concept” states of wishful thinking or expectation comparable to innate or aprioristic disposition of the baby towards the nipple. The concept of repression, created by Freud, could be questioned since continent-content theory (Bion) that supports the pre-conscient movement towards the thruth produced by the unconscious.Downloads
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