The force of the transmission between generations and transgenerational


  • Ana Rosa Chait Trachtenberg SBPdePA



Transgenerational, Intergenerational, Telescopic Identifications, Psychic Transmition, Negative


The transgenerational, one of the most current themes of the modern psychoanalysis, is present already in several Freudian texts. The theoretical-clinical bases of the psychic transmission among generations also rest in ideas of M. Klein, Bion and Winnicott and they find his full development in the French (Lacan, Green, Piera Aulagnier, René Kaes, Haydée Faimberg, among others) school, besides the Latin-American authors’ fundamental and historical contribution. They appear in emphasis the intersubjective, the different manifestations of the “negative”, the prehistory and the social (traumatic situations or of social violence) as ingredients in the constitution of the history and of the subject’s psyche. In the present paper relative ideas are approached to the transgenerational, intergenerational, telescopic identifications and other psychic movements, whose incidence will participate in the subject’s destiny through the generations. 


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Author Biography

Ana Rosa Chait Trachtenberg, SBPdePA

Membro Titular em Função Didática da SBPdePA


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How to Cite

Trachtenberg, A. R. C. (2007). The force of the transmission between generations and transgenerational. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 9(2), 341–354.




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