Autistic phenomenon and Bion’s referential
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Autistics Phenomenon, Sensation, Autistics Transformations, Emotional Bonds, Beta Elements, TropismAbstract
The author continues to research the proposal of autistic transformations, developed in previous papers. The central Idea of this paper is to continue discussing the proposal to include Autistic Transformations in the overall structure of the Theory of Transformations. The author investigates with regard to the relation between autistic phenomena and the emotional bonds L, H, K and their negatives. More specifically, she investigates their relation with the -K phenomena. She also wonders where to locate the autistic phenomena in Bion’s Grid. She questions the location of the autistic phenomena in the dimensions of the mind and their relation with the beta elements. This proposal suggests expanding the field of phenomena covered by Bion for areas in which autistic phenomena prevail, as described by Tustin in neurotic patients. She presents the clinical material of a neurotic child with autistic nuclei, to support her ideas proposed.
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