The role of gazing in trans-generational psychic transmission
Transgenerational, Mirror, LonelinessAbstract
This presentation intends to examine how much the trans-generational psychic transmission can be (negatively) affected by a problem with the specular function, leading three generations to become marked by the stigma of loneliness. Having in mind the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) by Gabriel García Márquez; and making use of theories developed by Lacan, Winnicott and Outeiral, I will discuss the life of Pedro who is the grandson of a woman turned blind at age fourteen: the third generation of a family condemned to darkness. Starting from Pedro’s experience, I will draw attention to the importance of gazing, which is capable of mirroring the baby in his/hers first years and has the purpose of transmitting a trans-generational legacy. That transmission is necessary for his emotional development and, in particular, his appropriation of his own body, the construction and integration of his own self.
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