The youngest’s syndrome
Brothers, Family, NarcissismAbstract
The title includes habitual features of personality and behavior of those who were born in the last series of siblings. Although most of these traits are not exclusive of the youngest, they tend to express it more clearly and collected, to form a more or less typical situation, subject to variations resulting from the family dynamics and the individual dispositions. The recognition of such relativisms warns against the current stereotypes about the youngest. In each one of them occurs a peculiar mixture of contradictory characteristics, resulting from the interaction of different determinisms, inclinations and defenses, acceptance and refusal of familiar and social roles. Only in this terms it is possible to understand “the youngest’s syndrome” and take good advantage of its application in clinical psychoanalysis. Among the many components of the syndrome, those on narcissism, identity and self-worth, personal development, diversity of relationships and group commitments, guilt and unconscious need for punishment, shine through. The text includes quotes from psychoanalytic authors and related areas, as well as references to several youngest and their families, biblical and literary characters and personalities of our time, besides some patients.
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