Paths of criativity
is there any psychoanalytical aesthetics experience?
Aesthetics, Art, Emotional experience, PhilosophyAbstract
Sparse notes, some old ones some other newer, have been developing more interest, curiosity and questions, after finding that a reasonable number of psychoanalysts’ texts were refered to aesthetics. Frequently, illustrating and corroborating this aesthetic sense, it fell back on artistic activity and production, producing sometimes nearly an equity, sometimes an approach between psychoanalysis and art, a field that nestles diverse reflections, discussions and standpoints between psychoanalysts. Almost unanimous is the idea that psychoanalysis is not art. What would make us appeal to aesthetics, which is by nature assigned to art? Would it be possible to conceive a psychoanalytic aesthetics? That question permeates this text, where some examples try to answer it positively.
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