The seventh pillar of wisdom
Common talk, Dialogue, Intuition, Reason, SpeechAbstract
The aim of this paper is to examine the particularities of a specific speech of a patient by changing it into a psychoanalytical dialogue. The dialogue is built in the relationship and it presupposes a series of variances that are present in it: what happens from the contact the patient has with reality and with the facts for which he/she is looking for a meaning until the final product which is the feedback given by the analyst to what he/she believes he/she has heard. Alterations in the intuitive capacity both on the part of the analyst and on the part of the patient are transmitted by the common talk and they are therefore present in the psychoanalytical relationship. This paper also believes that reason, with which these phenomena are examined, is not enough to exhaust the range of involvement that the facts have. The common talk is the tool through which the defenses and the distortions base themselves on to cause alterations and distort the facts in order to make it difficult the grasping/understanding of the truth. The intuitive mind of the analyst might be the instrument that keeps the investigation channel opened.
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