A foreign analyst and patients’ “foreignism”
“the official history of trauma” as a risk
Counter-Transference, Psychoanalyst, TraumaAbstract
The author brings up an aspect of her work related to “the analyst’s person” as foreigner, and all that this concept suggests to patients. The experience is based on the “abandon/be abandoned”, which presents some underlying fantasies such as “abandoning the analyst before being abandoned by a person that was capable of abandoning others”. The danger could be that this psychic pain may become intolerable, invading the field and blocking the analytical function, which is a wrong road towards a fast construction of a history. This could result in what would be called the official history of trauma: a collage of representations going back and forth between patient and analyst, which block suffering and exert an excessive interpreting function, tending to calm the anguish of two psychisms that are eager to discover representations. The task both persons were convened to deal with is thus set aside: the analytical work.
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