Sobre as primeiras inscrições


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda Associação Psicanalítica do Uruguai



Representational chain, Anti-social behaviour, Paranoid knowledge, Maternal depression, Desire for the Other, Encopresis, Psychic structuring, Memory traces, Primary identification, Inscription, Original marks, “A” object, Lost object, Drive, Repetition, Unconscious representation, Primary repression, Resignification, Simbolisation, Symptom, Transference


This paper proposes a dynamic perspective, where the substitution and transformation of the symptomatic phantasm reorganises the pathogenic articulations of the unconscious marks (traces). The fixed character of the symptomatic repetition is opposed by the analytic listening which, encouraged by the transferential recreation and actualisation, allow the object (the other towardswhom the drive is addressed) to offer a different profile. The psychoanalytical interpretation leads as close as possible the coordinates of pleasure-displeasure that surrounded the psychic inscription. Using a clinical example from the analysis of a six year old boy, we reflect on the structuring dimension of the first marks (always inferred), their effects and aims in psychic structuring, and how they arelistened to via the transferential effects in the analytical process. From an extremely hindered socialisation due to severe behaviour disorders, the transferential space (as a spontaneous and non-programmed response from the analyst) hierarchises the call for love in a highly persecutory discourse, which once and again disarticulates the paranoid circuit. The use of humour and the serene and libidinal setting of limits enabled a singular inflection of the symptomatology throughout the first years of analysis.


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Author Biography

Myrta Casas de Pereda, Associação Psicanalítica do Uruguai

Membro Titular da Associação Psicanalítica do Uruguai.


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How to Cite

Casas de Pereda, M. (2001). Sobre as primeiras inscrições. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 3(1), 129–144.


