Psique e cultura


  • Samuel Arbiser Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires



Interdependence between psyche and culture, The common unhappiness and civilization and its discontents, Psychism as internal group


The article sets forth three main ideas. The first is the interdependent relationship between the extraordinary advancement of human psyche and cultura life. This interdependence is complex and far from symmetric. Given that man lives in a sociocultural surrounding, it is the “common unhappiness” (Freud) what psychoanalysis will address. This “unhappiness” corresponds to what “civilizationand its discontents” is at the collective level, a tributary of multiple artistic and scientific disciplines. The second purposes a notion of “internal group” as a psychic model that, in my opinion, better adjusts to explain this idea of interdependence. This model implies a development resulting as of the concept of “identifications”and “object relations”. The third, and as a derivative of the other two, refers to the maintenance of an intimate relationship between the characteristics of culture in agiven time and place, and the expressions of the psychopathology, particularly those of the post-modern culture. However cultural values and those inherent to Psychoanalysis are in contraposition, the article attempts to give an account of some of the latter ones.


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Author Biography

Samuel Arbiser, Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires

Membro Titular com Função Didática da Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires (APdeBA).      


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How to Cite

Arbiser, S. (2001). Psique e cultura. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 3(1), 199–209.


