Diversity in the access to parenthood in the current culture and subjectivation processes
Conception-Filiation, Desire for a child, Diversity, Parenthood, Passion for a childAbstract
The work treats diversity in the access to parenthood in today’s culture in the different combinations between natural fertility, assisted fertility and adoption. It points out that these changes bring about questions of great interest for psychoanalysis. These are practices that take place in an almost unbreakable way with the implementation of reproductive techniques, and they constitute problems from three interrelated axles: their scope in clinical psychology, the incidence on the theoretical body, and their articulation with the social field. This article analyzes diversity in conception, relations between filiation, kinship and blood bonds. It points out the importance of the new origins linked to the implementation of gamete donation and surrogate mothers.The desire to have a child is a central topic in clinical psychology, the passion for a child concept is developed. Clinical material is presented.
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