The work on archaic. The official story of trauma as a risk
Affect, Archaic, Counter-transference, Drive, Object, TraumaAbstract
The author takes the idea of affection in Freud, of rudiments of affection and representation in Aisenstein, and Marucco’s idea of pulsional embryo, in order to develop the idea of a psychic apparatus that reuses the economic organization of the first topic as a foundation for the cure of border pathologies, as pulsional deficit. It is essential, to promote the growth of the pulsionality, which verbalizes the pulsional chaos of the Id, giving access to the level of bonding and erogenous masochism, to trigger the mentalization or psychization processes. She describes the risk of the official history of trauma turning up during the session: a hyper-intense, hyper-invested, hyper-represented history that circulates in the field, blocking the therapist’s capacity to listen. Lastly, she articulates theory through a clinical case that allows a deeper understanding of work difficulties with countertransference, which is the privileged form of listening in the archaic sphere.
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