Contributions of the psychoanalytic psychosomatic to the contemporary clinic
Maternal function, Mentalization, Not neurotic structures, Progressive disorganization, Psychoanalytic psychosomatic, Pulsional body, Severe somatization, Traumatic arraysAbstract
The author emphasizes the contributions of psychoanalytic psychosomatic of the Paris School for understanding the psychological functioning of patients with somatization and serious diseases. These findings are useful for understanding the non-neurotic structures, in which the symbolization processes and the constitution of primary narcissism are committed. One of the main issues in common in severe somatization and in other clinical manifestations of non neuroses, are early traumatic matrices derived from mother child relationship deficits. The author establishes con-jectures about the different clinical manifestations and their relation to the excesses of absence or presence of foreign object. It introduces concepts such as maternal func-tion, with its dimensions of paraexcitação and libidinization and censorship lover. The metapsychology of the pulsional body of the psychosomatic structure is described and its events in the progressive disruptions.Clinical vignettes are used to illustrate the operative functioning and its excessive rationalization and also the affective disorders of essential depression in non-neurotic structures, such as somatization, addictions and violent behavior.
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