Psychic pain
fiction or reality
Feeling, Pain experience, Psychic energy, Psychic pain, Satisfaction experienceAbstract
Commonly the human being is faced with indefinable, inexplicable and in-comprehensible pain. He usually experiences them in sense of terror (innominate), whi-ch often makes him seek analysis. Other times they are lived in full analytical process. Both pains can be located as within the scope of deep psychical changes, some of them with success, expressed in significant changes, and other with no preparation, often pre-sent in psychosomatic manifestations. Often, these pains when are denied, are classified as invented or fictitious. They are often perceived as looking like physical pain, even finding no match in depressing, anxiety or panic situations. However they are psycho-logical pain, which may be felt and not sustained. The risk of decontrol is so terrifying that prevents to live the emotion. And the decontrol can be not because of madness, but of the fear of the unknown, of the new. This contributes, often, the person to start to pretend the pain (pain experience), as the poet that he truly feels, being prevented to have a real psychic energy, favoring creative mental expansion.
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