Pain on the limits of body and psyche
reflections on the psychoanalytical and psychiatric clinic
Mental Pain, Physical Pain, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Somatoform disordersAbstract
For a long time Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis have tried to diagnose, understand and treat mental suffering. Despite huge professional investments, difficulties con-tinue in dealing with the physical as well as mental pain which are often undistinguished either in relation to their limits or their constitutions. Examples of investments to limit and treat sickening can be found in the clinic with patients that suggest physiopatholo-gical alterations. This article discusses the body manifestations and the ways (more and more frequent nowadays) in which the subjects use the body to represent their anguish, when feeling incapable of dealing with the psychic conflict. The aim is also to reflect on the work of health professionals, specially psychiatrists and psychoanalysts working in hospitals, and the limits of each one of these modes of treatment.
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