Theoretical teaching issue in psychoanalytic training


  • Leda Herrmann Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo


Psychoanalytic training, Theoretical construction in psychoanalysis, Theoretical teaching


Starting from Fédida’s proposal that analytic training implies working through the symptom in training, this paper goes through the theoretical teaching issue by examining national and foreign authors’ contributions. After that, two points are considered: the history of the constitution of training regulations at the Berlin Institute by Max Eitington, who introduced the formal teaching of theory in curricula, and the specific history of training in the Institute of São Paulo (the mark of date history). This paper briefly explores the main feature of the theoretical construction in Psychoanalysis, which is not organized by the description of facts but by the interpreting condition of the theories that are built. The author believes the spirit of the curriculum reform in the Institute of São Paulo over the years 1995-1996 constitutes a possible path in order to go through the symptom in training.


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Author Biography

Leda Herrmann, Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo

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How to Cite

Herrmann, L. (2016). Theoretical teaching issue in psychoanalytic training. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 18(2), 107–117. Retrieved from



Thematic Works - Analytical Training