For a non-fetishized clinic
Anguish, Defense, Fetish, PsychoanalysisAbstract
Ninety years after Freud’s essay: Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, and fifty years after the seminar of Lacan about the anguish, the author proposes that the psycho-analyst faces his own anguish, inherent to a job and profession whose bases are always in question. Recommends that the analyst does not seek to defend the anguish fetishi-sing and sacralizing the concepts developed by his predecessors. The author defends the idea that, today, people seek to find in the analyst a personal interlocutor, who is able to receive and mean front distress to a world without stable reference, and is no longer fascinated by the idea of an unconscious, as in the past.
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Lacan, J. (2004). O seminário. Livro 2: angústia. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.
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