Two or one psychoanalytic training?
Child psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic education, Psychoanalytical institutions, Teenager psychoanalysis, Training of the psychoanalystAbstract
The Integrated Training is a new device available to the Psychoanalytic Insti-tutes linked to the IPA - International Psychoanalytical Association which aims to inte-grate the training of adult’s psychoanalysts with them of psychoanalysts of children and adolescents. To display such a project, still in the designing and testing phase, the author articulates the basic ideas of this project with the story behind this new contribution to the training of psychoanalysts in the IPA structure.
Guignard, Florence. (2012). Entrevista: Por uma formação em psicanalise de crianca, adolescente e adulto integrada. Jornal de Psicanálise, 45 (83): 39-48.
Novik, Kerry Kelly. (2016). Integrated training track (Letter from COCAP to all IPA Institutes).
Ungar, Virginia. (2013). Integrated training Committee report for the board mee-ting, IPA.
______. (2015). Integrated training program Committee Report for the July 2015 Board Meeting in Boston. IPA.
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