Some reflections related to the ideas of diversity, linkage, difference


  • Sonia Kleiman Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano



Difference, Discontinuity, Diversity, Otherness


The purpose of this paper is to think how certain concepts, like Diversity, which were meaningful when they first appeared, can be swallowed up by a certain logic such as the market, or by apparently valuable, yet masked criteria. These criteria distort these concepts with regards to the social encounter content. The current questioning which goes on in the institutions includes considering the present-day family and couple link configurations. This is regarding new ways of relating, but also the radical changes which are taking place when considering life conditions. On the other hand, regarding links, what is pointed out is that the idea of what is different should be considered as a discontinuity to what is thought as belonging to oneself. And how diversity appears as feasible when one works on what is different, that is to say when it is possible to experience the otherness between others.


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Author Biography

Sonia Kleiman, Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano

Directora Especialidad Familias con niños y adolescentes y Maestria Vinculos, familias, diversidad socio cultural Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano. Coordinadora Equipo de familia. Coordinadora Comite de Investigacion en Cs Sociales y salud Depto de Investigacion IUHI


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How to Cite

Kleiman, S. (2017). Some reflections related to the ideas of diversity, linkage, difference. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 19(1), 131–137.