Time to finish
a temporal approach
Alienation, Analyst’s speech, Perceptual identity, Separation, Transference, TransmissionAbstract
Considering the hypothesis of the proposition of logical time (presented by Lacan in the text Logical Time and the Assertion of Early Certainty - A New Sophist) refers to the expansion of the analyst’s discursive structure to the interactions within the framework of social, We reflect this discursive structure in its aspect of association between primitive thought and logical thinking, with the constitution of transmission as an element of the foundation of interrelations, to the detriment of transference, by structuring the separation in substitution for alienation to the self. For the sustaining of logical time, encompassing the instant of the eye, the time of comprehension and the time to conclude, combined with the time of stop, constituted by the suspended motions, structures the opening essential to the constitution of otherness with the institution of the perceptual identity external investment (reflexive interaction).
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