Influências de Bion na técnica psicanalítica
Memory and desire, Thoughts without a thinker, No thing therefore a thought, Sign, Symbolic Equation, SymbolAbstract
Some classic psychoanalytic concepts have been touched, deepened andamplified by Bion’s original investigations. Beyond The Grid and the Mind’sNegative Capability the article stresses the importance of Bion’s recommendationon the abstention discipline of memory and desire. Although some psychoanalystscouldn’t understand the real meaning of it, the mentioned discipline is rather anew and deeper version of Freud’s technical recommendation, the evenly suspendedattention. Bion’s controversial concept on Thought without a Thinker is given anew understanding, more related do the internal world than to the external one,like the current explanations. The famous aphorism No thing therefore a thoughtis also examined and confronted with the time of its firsts occurrences. As thebaby still doesn’t think thoughts are not available yet. That is why No thing thereforean image would sound more appropriate. The article also deals with the parallelmeaning of Sign, Symbolic Equation, and Symbol to alpha and beta elementsinherent to Bion’s thought theories.
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