Supervision and personal analysis

equality and difference


  • Celso Gutfreind Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre



Analytical supervision, Analytical treatment, Difference


In this article, with the motto of difference, the author proposes a reflection on what would separate and what would approximate - equality and difference - the activity of Analytical Supervision of Personal Analysis, both situated on the tripod of analytic formation. The conclusions, which are always provisional, point to possible approximations between the two as regards the defense of an analytical position in favor of the opening of the senses and also important differences in regard to the care not to interpret in the way of treatment transferential and countertransferential movements always present.


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Author Biography

Celso Gutfreind, Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre

Membro Titular da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre.


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How to Cite

Gutfreind, C. (2018). Supervision and personal analysis: equality and difference. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 20(2), 118–122.



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