On Desire
outline of a critical-contributory analysis
Conciliation, Criticism, Desire, Question, Tripod, WorkAbstract
The present work deals with the question of desire, its denitions and problematic. Here we see that there are three fundamental currents in the history of Western thought which define desire, so that all the definitions hitherto cataloged fit into one of these three currents, which we call the tripod of desire. Such a tripod, of course, encompasses the psychoanalytic conceptions of Freud and Lacan and of two of his great critics, namely, G. Deleuze and F. Guattari. After presenting such conceptions of the tripod and its distinctions, the attempt is made not only of confrontation but, above all, of conciliation, proposing a reading of the desire that encompasses fundamental aspects of the previous and antagonistic readings and adding new aspects from new hypothetical elements of reading: the evolution of desire as a rupture and its development as an expansion of divisions, from the reading of human desire as generated from an original trauma, which allows the appearance of representation in the evolutionary process, such hypothetical elements may point to a possible dialectic of desire in order to reconcile opposing perspectives.
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