The endless journey of the founders


  • Renato Trachtenberg SBPdePA



Caesura, Complexity, Morality, Spectral model


The author gives an overview of his current thinking on psychoanalysis. Based on the notions of shibboleth and caesura, he proposes two types of borders where the absence and the presence of complexity are observed, respectively. In the first case, we have a predominance of separations, splits, etc. In the second, the idea of simultaneous continuity and discontinuity sets up a paradox and indicates the presence of complexity. The complexity in psychoanalysis brings about a radical change by questioning evolutionary thinking and thereby avoiding impregnation with morality. For this, it is necessary to use a spectral model where the extreme poles do not mean qualities of better / worse, positive / negative, good / bad, etc., but references for the transit between both. The consequences for the psychoanalytic clinic are significant. The psychoanalyst’s ideas are not static, they change over time, they are “biodegradable”, they accompany the inevitable transformations that we have undergone in our development as people and as psychoanalysts. Therefore, the journey is endless and we continue founding psychoanalysis on our thoughts and with each analysand in each session. This is the richness of this heritage that Freud bequeathed to us, making it ours by following his path and not his steps.


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Author Biography

Renato Trachtenberg, SBPdePA

Membro Fundador, Titular e Didata da SBPdePA.


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How to Cite

Trachtenberg, R. (2020). The endless journey of the founders. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 22(1), 131–143.