Sorrow laughs
the consequences of false self construction in contemporary society
Helplessness, Primitive relationships, Psychic constitutionAbstract
The objective of this paper is to share the experience from the authors’ perspective about the movie Joker. The current and impressive film reveals the deepest about the human being: the psychological constitution and the ambience importance in that construction. For those who went to the movies hoping to find a ordinary superhero film, ended up with something that individuals and society often prefer not to see, the meaning of the consequences of the helplessness that individuals are when they born, and spend their entire lives being confronted and challenged about.To choose a bias to talk about is difficult given the possibilities that history give us, therefore we chose to go through the possibility of failure of the primitive relationship in primitive emotional development, using Donald Winnicott’s theory to support our reflections.
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Winnicott, D. W. (1990). Natureza humana. Rio de Janeiro: Imago.
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