The contemporary being

where is the symbol?


  • Aline Pinto SBPdePA
  • Astrid E. M. Ribeiro SBPdePA
  • Celso Gutfreind SBPdePA
  • Eluza Maria Nardino Enck SBPdePA
  • Heloísa Zimmermann SBPdePA
  • Magda B. M. Costa SBPdePA



Contemporary psychoanalysis, Elaboration, Representation, Symbol, Symbolisation


The construction of this work takes place from the experience of each of the group participants around a television program broadcast in the sixties. The playful and theatrical presentation, left room for fantasy and for infantile’s creativity – facilitators of the construction and development of the symbolic and representational process. The very elaboration process of this work happened this way – the ideas were emerging as free association, as a game of scribble and a shared and pleasant play, being experienced by the group what the text proposes.


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Author Biographies

Aline Pinto, SBPdePA

Membro associado da SBPdePA.

Astrid E. M. Ribeiro, SBPdePA

Membro titular da SBPdePA.

Celso Gutfreind, SBPdePA

Membro titular da SBPdePA.

Eluza Maria Nardino Enck, SBPdePA

Membro titular da SBPdePA.

Heloísa Zimmermann, SBPdePA

Membro do Instituto da SBPdePA.

Magda B. M. Costa, SBPdePA

Membro do Instituto da SBPdePA.


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Jeammet, P., & Corcos, M. (2005). Implicações diagnósticas e terapêuticas. In Novas problemáticas da adolescência: Evolução e manejo da dependência (Cap. 5). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo.

Pavlovsky, E. (1990), Espacios y creatividad. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Búsqueda de AYLLY S.R.L. (Original publicado em 1980)

Petrella, F. (2005). I disagi della psicoanalisi nella post-modernità. Psiche, 2(13), 31-46.

Quintana, M. (2005). Melhores poemas. F. Cunha (Org.). São Paulo: Global Editora.

Winnicott, D. W. (1975). Jeu et réalité – L’espace potentiel. Paris: Gallimard. (Original publicado em 1971)



How to Cite

Pinto, A., Ribeiro, A. E. M., Gutfreind, C., Enck, E. M. N., Zimmermann, H., & Costa, M. B. M. (2020). The contemporary being: where is the symbol?. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 22(2), 153–160.

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