Is the survival of fireflies what is out of date in psychoanalytic practice?


  • Yolanda Gampel Sociedade de Psicanálise de Israel



Pain, Psychoanalysis, Social pain, Social violence, War


Good morning to you and good afternoon to me right now. And thank you so much for invitation. I hope that I can bring a little of what I planned and that, for you, be a meeting where there is a bond with everything you are working and with everything that is happening right now, not just in the rest of the world, I'm sure that in Brazil things are not shiny, not as terrible as in Europe, but not shiny.

And see how all this leads us to think… not to miss the possibility of thinking and keep creating. That's the most important thing, and that's why the title of this conference is “The survival of fireflies”, that is, the fireflies that appear at night and disappear... it's not that they disappear, they hide themselves. And then we have to go find them. It is these lights that they give us and that open a path for us. [...]


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Author Biography

Yolanda Gampel, Sociedade de Psicanálise de Israel

Analista didata da Sociedade de Psicanálise de Israel.


Didi-Huberman, G. (2011). Sobrevivência dos vaga-lumes. Belo Horizonte: Ed. UFMG.

Freud, S. (1996). Novas conferências introdutórias sobre psicanálise — Conferência 32. In Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (Vol. 22). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Trabalho original publicado em 1933)

Pasolini, P. P. (2012). O vazio do poder na Itália (o artigo dos vaga-lumes). (n./t.) Revista Literária em Tradução, 3, 111-117. (Trabalho original publicado em 1975)

Puget, J., & Wender, L (1982). Analista y paciente en mundos superpuestos. Psicoanálisis, 4(3), 503-522.

Steyerl, H. (2017). Em queda livre: Uma (experiência-pensamento) sobre Perspectiva Vertical. Arte & Ensaios, 33. 221-231.



How to Cite

Gampel, Y. (2023). Is the survival of fireflies what is out of date in psychoanalytic practice?. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 25(1), 174–188.


