Sexuality and pornography in contemporary times through the theoretical view of Sándor Ferenczi


  • Caio Ferreira Romano Grupo Brasileiro de Pesquisas Sándor Ferenczi



Contemporary, Ferenczi, Movie Pleasure, Pornography, Sexuality


In The unwelcome child and his death instinct (1929), Ferenczi theorizes about patients who were not supported when they came into the world. In these cases when the initial life force is inhibited, remains an almost pure death drive, which culminate in a tendency to self-destruct. How does the drive disorder manifest itself in the sexual life of adults who have been unwelcome children? If there is little pleasure, can we think of genitality being structured in self-destruction, in other words, surrounded by death drive? This article raises the possibility of self-destruction happening through sex. In these cases, there is no pleasure in the sexual act, only relief and a self-destructive search. These ideas will be aligned with the example of pornographic actress and the movie Pleasure (2021). The article aims to contribute to clinic work and sexuality, discussing genitality, subjectivity, the bond with others, and psychic suffering.


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Author Biography

Caio Ferreira Romano, Grupo Brasileiro de Pesquisas Sándor Ferenczi

Mestrando na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) no Departamento de Estudos Psicanalíticos. Professor na Escola de Psicanálise de São Paulo (EPSP). Membro do Grupo Brasileiro de Pesquisas Sándor Ferenczi (GBPSF). Aspirante a Membro do Departamento de Psicanálise do Instituto Sedes Sapientiae e autor do livro Psicanálise, cinema e amor (2021).


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How to Cite

Romano, C. F. (2024). Sexuality and pornography in contemporary times through the theoretical view of Sándor Ferenczi. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 26(1), 46–62.



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