As entrevistas preliminares
ou como despertar o desejo de fazer uma análise em um paciente que não sabe em que isso consiste
Analysability, teaching of psychoanalysys, insight, psychoanalyst’s languageAbstract
Very seldom a patient asks directly for psychoanalysis, which does not mean that he would not like to undergo it if he knew what it is. It is the psychoanalyst’s job to recognize the patient’s latent request, which lies behind his/her non request. I use several examples to demonstrate that many patients look for a psychoanalytic experience, and that it is the analyst’s job to enable them to realize it. In fact, how can an individual realize what the psychoanalysis might do for him/her, if he/she ignores the essential? How to make him/her feel what a transference relationship consists of? What words might reach him/her?
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