Remendos para uma superfície sensorial
Anxiety, Primary defense, Psychoanalytic treatment, Ego development, Psychoanalytic techniqueAbstract
To the author Psychoanalysis is more able than the other sciences to establish the delicate relation between soma and psyche. The author quotes Freud, Winnicott, Tustin and recently Ogden as the psychoanalysts that more had contributed to this construction. He develops the theme of the primitive psychism from the first feelings, which involve the body sensory surfaces. The author thinks that following the nature of these experiences, establishes the sense of how I am and where I am. They promote the ego maturation toward the integration or promote disturbs in these process, originating inominables anxieties with concomitant defenses. Autoappeasement experiences are organized and they follow the persons to their lives all and these matrix can reappear again when our feeling of continuity is threatened by internals or external elements. These defenses tend to preserve the continuity of the sensory surface of the body, certifying the sense of security of continuing be. The author names these autoappeasement defenses of patches, trying to approximate the psychic to the organic material both present in their production. The author mentions clinical material to illustrate the patches and he tries to order them according with theirs making and objectives. He finishes with some considerations relative to psychoanalytical practice and the psychic alterations
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