A vida erótica dos grandes criadores
Criativity, Epistemological orgasm, Sinergy with the unconscious, ImmotalityAbstract
This paper aims to present some conclusions of research concerning the eroticlife of some of the great creators of humanity. One of our conclusions is that thesecreators moved away from the direct genital ‘via’ commonly persued by ordinarypeople, for other pleasures, equally strong. Eroticism, for the great creators is connected,primarily, to the creative process in itself. We are proposing the term pleasure ofworking through for this eroticism in their daily work and the term epistemologicalorgasm for the final pleasure when the work is finished. It is important to note that weobserved a great similarity between the pleasures derived by the artists in their workwith Freud and Theodor Reik’s concepts of ‘Uncanny’ (Unheimlich, in German) and‘surprise’. We think that the creators, in all areas of human life, are motivated bythese intense pleasures. And it should be noted that, this form of eroticism, muchmore modern in the phylogenetic sense can, for some, actually substitute either partiallyor completely the common route to genital orgasm. These concepts have also certainsimilarities with genitality’s final product – procreation, the common route to reachimmortality. The creators use an alternative route in their road to immortality, that ofthe creation of universal works, which in turn remain fixed in the living memory ofeveryone. This is made possible, within our ideas, by the existence of a sinergy withthe unconcious, which results from the special, intense and early relationship withtheir mothers.
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