Stabilized Psychosis
Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Psychotic structureAbstract
This work refers to the schizophrenic psychotic structure. It proposes the characteristic of this structure prior to the crisis. It describes the difference of the psychotic crisis from the hysteria. It shows in details the psychic mechanisms that correspond to this schizophrenic psychotic structure: rejection of the father´s name, the gaps in the composition of the imaginary and the symbolic, the bejahum and the six elementary phenomena (counter-attraction towards the opposite sex, the absence of shifter, the other as the thing itself, genitals without subject, the sea of pleasure and the ambiguity in the object choice). It describes the psychotic production and the two kinds of supply. Personally, I propose two unchaining factors of the schizophrenic crisis: the sensibility to repel the psychotic structure and the impossibility to take (in the symbolic order) the father´s place. At last, the work proposes a personal focus on the cure meaning under these conditions.
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