Development in the psychoanalytical theory and technique
a contribution
Psychosis, Schizoparanoid Position, Depressive position, Psychoanalysis, NeuroscienceAbstract
The author presents an abstract of Ogden’s conceptions shown in his work On the Concept of an Autistic-Contiguous Position, in order to present the ideas in this work. Considering such conceptions as progresses in psychoanalytical theory and technique. He will try to articulate these Ogden’s conceptions with the Freud’s conceptions about the organic component of the ego and the Neuroscience progresses. He describes the construction of theorical and techinical psychoanalytic referential trough this articulation. He illustrates it with a clinical case of a psychotic patient and come to an end with consideratios about probable contributions to the psychoanalytical technique to this patient.
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