The “deaf-mute” object and the pre-conceptual trauma

with the use of Bion’s “caesura” concept


  • Rafael E. López-Corvo Associação Venezuelana de Psicanálise



Early Psychic Trauma, Internal Object, Archaic Thoughts, Resistance, Transference, Reconstruction


Ego fights against the pre-conceptual trauma by way of its tiny fragmentation and projection onto the external world, inside the mind that contains the experience. Later, trauma penetrates time’s caesura and presents itself as a cruel, controlling, and threatening internal object, which deprives ego of its right to well-being. In transference, it is perceived as a powerful resistance to absorb interpretation. 


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Author Biography

Rafael E. López-Corvo, Associação Venezuelana de Psicanálise

Analista Didata da Associação Venezuelana de Psicanálise e da Sociedade Canadense de Psicanálise.


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How to Cite

López-Corvo, R. E. (2005). The “deaf-mute” object and the pre-conceptual trauma: with the use of Bion’s “caesura” concept. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 7(2), 537–560.


