The adolescence, between the nightmare and the dream


  • Diego Moreira Universidade de Buenos Aires



Repetition, Transference, Eros, Tanatos, Adolescent


In this paper Frank Wedekind´s play write is considered. The play includes, three adolescent characters. in a particular tragedy Only one of them avoids death. There is a fourth character that regulates and impedes the deadly enjoyment; he is a masked man who has no need to be recognized, thus gaining autonomy. His presence is related to the absence of a surname, which shows a masked speech, linked to a father. Puberty involves a second awakening, not only of sexual drives but also of the death drives. The rising of both drives Eros and Tanatos, may occur in two different ways: suddenly and anguished as in nightmares like it happens in Maurício and Wendla´s scary daydreams or as in Melchor’s daydream. 


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Author Biography

Diego Moreira, Universidade de Buenos Aires

Psicanalista, escritor, professor da Universidade de Buenos Aires e da Universidade de Ciências Empresariais e Sociais.


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How to Cite

Moreira, D. (2008). The adolescence, between the nightmare and the dream. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 10(1), 69–83.


