
the Freud´s conception of space-time


  • Ignácio Alves Paim Filho Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre




Unconscious, Repression, Representation


The present paper has as its goal to rethink the repression process, in its three periods, and its inter-relation with the unconscious and the narcisic instincts destinations. Starting from this vicissitude, it theorizes about the function of the psychic, the non repressable and the structuration of the repressed. The author goes throught Freud´s ideas, wich allows him to sustain the paradigm of the psychic person beeing built on the interrelation between the repressed that is unconsious and the repressed that it is not unconscious. With this point of view, the author underestands, from the metapsychological aspect, that these unconscious are a topography (space and time) that gives shelter to the representable (sexual) and the unrepresentable (non sexual). Therefore, it is going to enphasize that the repressive process in its presence/absence will be the element, for excelence, that structures the psychic arrangement. 


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Author Biography

Ignácio Alves Paim Filho, Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre

Psicanalista, Membro Associado da SBP de PA, Membro Pleno do CEP de PA.


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How to Cite

Paim Filho, I. A. (2008). Unconscious-Repression: the Freud´s conception of space-time. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 10(1), 111–121. https://doi.org/10.60106/rsbppa.v10i1.277




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