Psychosomatic or somaticpsychotic?
critical analysis of the psychosomatic medicine
Psychosomatic Medicine, Medicine, Psychoanalysis, TheoryAbstract
The study scrutinizes the scientific foundations of the so-called “psychosomatic medicine” which underlie medical concepts and statements – as it happens in any science. It is illustrated with clinical cases. The following statements are put under a kind of epistemological testing: (i) the mind causes bodily diseases, (ii) depression causes cancer, (iii ) stress causes myocardial infarction and other diseases; (iv) body language. In order to study the statements and propositions the author uses: (i) theories of knowledge drawn from Enlightenment (ii) positivistic theories, (iii) modern science. The study presents briefly all those theories of knowledge There is an evidence of an spurious splitting between body and mind, which result in one-sided investigations – without asking if those sides do exist in reality. This splitting manifests itself in the inception of the ‘psychosomatic medicine’ and in persistent problems created by, and in this field. The results of the epistemology and psychoanalytic ‘testing’ allow for a critical analysis of the psychosomatic model, which seems not to be successful in its brave holistic approach, needing alternatives. There are some recommendations about the medical posture concerning the ‘psychosomatic patient’.
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