Epistemological and critical review of the concept of contemporary pathologies
Contemporary pathologies, Subjectivity, Singularity, ResearchAbstract
The author aims to assess the concept of “contemporary pathologies” using anepistemological exercise. On the one hand, it should be clarified that the analysis will bebased on psychoanalytic studies. On the other hand, the author does not intend to eliminateor invalidate the category under analysis, but to outline a rudimentary process for checkingit, in the same way every discipline seeks to determine the refutability of each one of itsown hypotheses. There is no doubt that reality shifts, and that either transient or long-lasting changes take place. However, we should be careful when defining the changesinvolved, which aspects change and what their consequences are. When we support theidea of change in clinical reality, we ought to be able to accurately identify whether suchchanges correspond to transformations in subjectivity or to theoretical developments thatallow us to refine our judgments.
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