The analitic supervision and the string quartet

a stetical-artistic vertex


  • Carlos de Almeida Vieira Sociedade de Psicanálise de Brasília
  • André Luiz Vianna SPB



Psychoanalytical formation, Supervision, Music


The group of musicians known as the String Quartet presents certain peculiarities within the chamber music, in as much as it regards the compositions for this type of instrumental formation as for the execution itself. Some characteristics for the good performance of the quartet are here presented, such as discipline, precision, determination, allied to the respectful liberty that each component of the group demands. The authors develop an analogy between the String Quartet and what they entitle the “psychoanalytic quartet”, composed by the supervisor, the supervised, the patient and the supervisee’s analyst. The strongest emphasis is put on the matter of the formation in psychoanalysis, on the art of teaching/learning which regards not only one or another element of the quartet, but the group, operating like it is done when reading a score. It is proposed the conjecture that the string quartet is to the symphonic music, as the “psychoanalytic quartet” is to the formation of the candidate and the mental growth and development of the other components. They also enhance the importance of the figure of the supervisor and his relationship with the supervised, essential factors to the formation of the latest, besides hisown analyses and theoretical formation.


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Author Biographies

Carlos de Almeida Vieira, Sociedade de Psicanálise de Brasília

Membro titular e didata da Sociedade de Psicanálise de Brasília (SPB) e da Sociedade Psicanalítica do Recife – Núcleo Psicanalítico de Aracaju.

André Luiz Vianna, SPB

Analista em Formação da SPB.


BION, W. R. Experiências com Grupos. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1975.

CANDÉ, R. História Universal da Música. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001. v. 2, p. 315.

CAPER, R. Tendo Mente Própria. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 2002. p. 189.

RAABEN, L. N. O Quarteto de Cordas: teoria e prática. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 2003. p. 21.



How to Cite

Vieira, C. de A., & Vianna, A. L. (2008). The analitic supervision and the string quartet: a stetical-artistic vertex. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 10(2), 289–297.


