Transferência e modelo estético


  • Virginia Ungar Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires



Transference, Aesthetic conflict, Aesthetic model, Interpretation, Metacommunication


Each mind model is derived from certain elements which combine constantly and are connected to the mind concept and each authors’ precocious emotional development theory. In this study we follow the course of Donald Meltzer, whorefers to S. Freud, M. Klein and W. Bion’s ideas regarding model. Its purpose is to articulate the Meltzerian transference concept with an emphasis on aesthetics – which is present in the author’s complete works – to attempt to propose a possible aesthetic mind model. From the notion that all theories grow from the obstacles they find, the possible difficulties in the use of the Kleinian-theological models which may have become starting points for the new proposed models are revised. This aesthetic model would have a specific truth concept and would also generate consequences so as to deal in psychoanalytic practices such as style interpretation, substantiated on the possibility to observe and describe, as well as in their contents


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Author Biography

Virginia Ungar, Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires

Membro Titular com Função Didática da APdeBA (Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires).


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How to Cite

Ungar, V. (2000). Transferência e modelo estético. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 2(1), 157–177.


