Interpretation and adolescence
Adolescence, Defense, Dependence, Dis-idealization, Idealization, Independence, RegresiónAbstract
Interpretation in treatments of adolescents must be approached on the basis of a Wide range of situations; some of these have been studied in terms of different referential schemes and others in terms of diverse pathologies. We agree with those authors who consider that the adolescence is going through a stage having its own specific characteristics. The principal themes which intercross in varying degrees in the analytic field during treatment of adolescents and which generate specific anxieties, are: the Oedipal-pre-Oedipal oscillation, the duality between independence and dependence, the idealization-disidealization pair and the pair consisting in mourning for the loss of childhood and bisexuality versus the working-through of body growth and development of genitality. The work of interpretation (for which the timing acquired by specific training in this type of treatment is essential) is composed of many possible approaches whose ultimate aim is to achieve both the transformation of the pathology of the adolescent patient and also tolerance of a normally difficult and conflictive stage. Thus, naming new or unknown anxieties and affects, using non-interpretative interventions such as descriptions of mechanisms, direct requests, role-talking, interpretation of games or drawings, differentiation of contradictory attitudes, consensual affirmations of reality, conversation on subjects of interest to the adolescent, all combine with the transference interpretation at the appropriate moment of the different projections that the adolescent patient makes from his Oedipal or pre-Oedipal position. Knowledge of parent-child dynamics in the patient’s family as well as of the patient’s social and educational milieu is indispensable if we are to operate effectively. In severe pathologies we may find that the characteristics of adolescence have become blurred. In consequence, the therapeutic approach will resemble the one we use for the same pathology in adults; in these cases, the onset of adolescent conflict is a sign of progress.
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