Psychoanalysis and transdisciplinarity
Interdiscipline, Knowledge, Psychoanalysis, ScienceAbstract
This article recalls the path taken by psychoanalysis over time, aiming at defending the idea that transdisciplinary knowledge was used to architect its theory and its therapeutic method since its inception. This transdisciplinary genesis opens a path that should lead psychoanalysis to establish more interactions with diverse scientific and human disciplines, considering the reality organized in different levels. This “enlarged reality” is the basis of the psychoanalytic and cross-disciplinary view, because the human being has a global and polidimensional functioning, included by all its circumstances. It also addresses the difficulty, perceived in some psychoanalytic centers, to support these opening and integrating movements of new knowledge, which has contributed to the so-called “crisis of psychoanalysis.” This article attempts to illustrate that, in psychoanalysis, the transdisciplinary opening should resemble what has been done by Bowlby in developing his theory of attachment.
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